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Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., laughs as he acknowledges the cheers of supporters at the last rally in his 2008 presidential campaign at Grand Junction, Colo., Tuesday afternoon. Nov. 4, 2008. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)
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La Plata County Results
Updated results for La Plata County - Totals
Updated precinct results - list
Updated precinct results - map
Precinct Map and results
Click on the image above to view an interactive map, including various election results for each precinct in La Plata County.
La Plata County votes
Election Day: Voters talk about their ballots
Election Day: The road to Nov. 4
Previous videos
County Commissioner Q&A
Click the above image to read four questions the Durango Herald asked La Plata County Commissioner candidates
Editorial Endorsements
Click on the image above to view endorsements
Sample Ballot
Click on the image to view a sample ballot
County Commissioner Districts
Click on the above image to view a map of County Commissioner Districts
Candidate Fundraising
By the numbers
La Plata County Fundraising
Obama - 11,342
McCain - 4,230
Clinton - 2,780
Romney - 1,500
Total - 19,852
La Plata County Voter registration by party
DEM - 12,225
REP - 11, 808
UAF - 12,862
LBR - 165
ACN - 23
GRN - 200
UPA - 1
TOTAL - 37,284
Resources and information
La Plata County Republicans / 375-3221
La Plata County Democrats / 828-1166
La Plata County Clerks office / 382-6296
League of Women Voters / La Plata County
Did McCain's visit convince you to vote for him?
Previous articles
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