U.S. Senate candidates not taking anything for granted
by Joe Hanel
Herald Denver Bureau
DENVER - With just hours left in their U.S. Senate race, Mark Udall and Bob Schaffer are relying on their base instincts.
Both candidates will maintain nonstop schedules on the vote-rich Front Range until Election Day. And they're concentrating especially hard on their power bases. Udall spent Thursday in Denver's black community, and Schaffer rallied Friday in Republican-heavy Colorado Springs.
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bob Schaffer campaigns Friday in northeast Colorado Springs.
Schaffer seeks big El Paso win
The stars are still out when the Schaffer campaign gets going on Halloween.
At a busy intersection in northeast Colorado Springs, Peggy Littleton and Vickie Broerman have just unloaded Schaffer and McCain-Palin signs from their cars.
Broerman heads back to the car.
"Are you leaving?" Littleton asks.
"Oh no, I'm just putting more signs out. Are you kidding? This is what we live for," Broerman says.
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