Wednesday, November 5, 2008

White defends his post
Overcomes Baxstrom 53 percent to 47 percent
by Ted Holteen
Herald Staff Writer

Brushing aside a trail of vandalized yard signs and a bitter personal-attack campaign, incumbent Democrat Wally White won a convincing victory Tuesday night over Republican Harry Baxstrom and will keep his seat on the La Plata County Board of County Commissioners for another four years.
"I'm going back to work," White said of the result.

White received 13,498 votes for 53 percent of the total and Baxstrom received 11,971 votes, or 47 percent.
White will be resworn into office Jan. 13 alongside incumbent Republican Kellie Hotter, who defeated Peter Tregillus by a margin of 58 percent to 42 percent.
La Plata County commissioners earn an annual salary of $72,500 and serve a term of four years.

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